Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Indulge ! (sometimes)

This is my testing of having a food blog. . .  Just posting here my blog with topic i enjoy - food ! 
Dated : July 6, 2012 ( http://enjoyingwonderfulworld.blogspot.com/2011/07/indulge-sometimes.html)

This is not a regular food blog ! I just wanna share something I really enjoy doing before , which is cooking !  I stopped cooking my favorite dishes when I became a working girl again October 2006. I think I also stopped liking food, since I became serious on becoming fit and slim , though i find it hard to be really slim ,  I feel I’m healthy and fit anyway.

Once , I had this feeling of , I want to eat something I really really like ! I’ve decided to go  to the market (I did not do for the longest time ). And rushed to the kitchen , joyfully prepared the shrimps and the crabs. It was fairly easy to prepare. I just stir fried them with crushed garlic and chili with a little bit of salt. and wow, I just cooked the best dish for my family!
My Garlic Shrimp and Crabs 
It never fails , good food really is one of the world’s greatest pleasures! We enjoyed our lunch , experience every bite of it, and really indulge in what they say “ a forbidden food!” I told them it’s not bad to indulge , sometimes.  Well, I think I’ll cooked another special dish next time.  Chow!

 Bon Appetit !

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